Why did we have to change our blog address?

As many of you know West Point is a registered name. Therefore, you need permission to use it, even if you want to have a blog. I have been told we have to discontinue the use of West Point in conjunction with CrossFit.

When we started the affiliate we started running the traps to try and get CrossFit started as a cadet club. At this point we have been unsuccessful. We will continue to work this, but we cannot do this without the help of those of you that use this site. If you want to see functional fitness continue to grow we need your help.

Until such time as we are granted permission to use the name West Point we will continue to post our workouts and we will continue to run as normal. The only thing that has changed is the website address so update your bookmarks! We will continue to Forge the Warrior Athlete. See you in the gym. 3, 2, 1...GO!


Saturday Rest

Rest Day.


Friday WOD

For all of those out late last night at the Firstie club...this one is for you. (I'm included in that)

Back Squat/Push Press
Back Squat/Push Jerk
Back Squat/Split Jerk
Front Squat/Push Press
Front Squat/Push Jerk
Front Squat/Split Jerk
Clean and Jerk

Start with an empty bar and add weight each round. Do not rack the bar or put it down in between movements, except between the last split jerk and the clean and jerk. Post final weight to comments.

Thursday WOD

1 x pull up,10 seconds rest
2 x pull ups, 20 seconds rest
3 x pull ups, 30 seconds rest
4 x pull ups, 40 seconds rest...

For this event the work reps matches the rest period to the power of 10 seconds. Continue until you can no longer complete the number of pull ups straight through (no breaking sets) then repeat your last successful round.

Remember to go all the way down and get your chin above the bar. Avoid chicken necking. Switching grips is authorized.

Post last successful round to comments.

Wednesday WOD

Dirty Thirty

As many rounds as possible (ASRAP) in 10 min of the following:

1 x Stairs basement to 4th floor up and down
10 x Push ups
15 x Squats

ASRAP in 10 minutes:

1 x Rope climb to 15 feet
5 x Burpees
10 x Knees to elbows

ASRAP in 10 minutes:

2 x Man makers (30lb dumbbell)
5 x Handstand push ups
10 x Pull ups

Rest 2 minutes between each 10 minute round.

For demo of a man maker see link below.


No warm up tomorrow. Just a light stretch and get to it.

Post total number of complete rounds to comments.

Tuesday WOD


For time.

21-15-9 reps of:

135lb Clean
Ring Dips

Post time to comments:

Remember a proper clean receives the bar in the full squat position. If you catch it in anything short of that, you must go to the squat position before standing up. The clean in complete when you are standing at full extention with the bar in the racked position. When you start getting tired watch your form!

If you can do 3-5 135lb cleans in a row, do not scale this. You can't get stonger if you don't work the weight.

Monday WOD

Due to the limited number of rowing machines we will have to stagger the starts on this one. As soon as you get to the gym start warming up and get to it.

Warm up in '62 room. I will go get the dumbbells ready in the 3rd floor weight room. 185lb straight bar dead lift will sub if there are not enough 85lb dumbbells.

For time:

1000m row then,
21 reps of:
85lb Dumbbell dead lift
35lb Dumbbell walking lunge
35lb Dumbbell thrusters

500m row then,
15 reps of:
85lb Dumbbell dead lift
35lb Dumbbell walking lunge
35lb Dumbbell thrusters

250m row then,
9 reps of:
85lb Dumbbell dead lift
35lb Dumbbell walking lunge
35lb Dumbbell thrusters

Post time to comments.

Friday WOD

Dog ate my Shorts

For time:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

25lb weighted pull ups
35lb Dumbbell snatch

Post time to comments.