Friday WOD

Dog ate my Shorts

For time:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

25lb weighted pull ups
35lb Dumbbell snatch

Post time to comments.


C V said...

Are the DB snatch reps for each arm?

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

yes...per arm. This really sucks.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

14:50 as Rx'd. This is a classic one of, it doesn't look so bad on paper but hurts in the gym. Good week. If you haven't gone to MAJ Maxwell and picked up a shirt you should. They are pretty sweet. Priortiy for equipment is:

Medicine Balls
Kettle Bells

Any other suggestions?

SB said...

21:00 as Rx'd....tough WOD....i agree with DB....good week.

Go Cubs said...

19:10, the dog definitely ate my shorts today, i am humbled to say the least

Mac said...

With regards to equipment, how about several pvc pipe sections for stretching (particularly for overhead squats).

Demet-hook said...

17:20 as RX'd

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Mac--Good idea...those are pretty cheap too so we can still get other stuff.

Demet-hook said...

another piece of equipment we might want to get is stretch bands...I used to use them alot and they are really good for flexibility...just throwin' it out there

Maj said...

12:35...those pullups were tough.
Good week

Anonymous said...

As RX'd, 15:56.

Anonymous said...

Did this Monday after the Gymnastics cert in Boston.


This sucked.