Tuesday WOD

Three rounds for time of:

20 x 75lb Thruster
15 x 55lb Kettle bell/dumb bell swings
12 x Pull ups
8 x Burpees

Post time to comments.


Anonymous said...

I have ordered the shirts. I ordered a total of 40 shirts, 22 in tan and 18 in green. They should be here in 2-3 weeks, just in time for, uh, Halloween.

I ordered in green:
3 x XL
13 x L
3 x M

I ordered in tan:
4 x XL
13 x L
4 x M

Once i get the final bill, I will be able to set the price.

All proceeds will go towards purchasing equipment like rings, wall balls, etc.

I will keep y'all informed.....

Oh yeah, this workout looks like it sucks.

Go Cubs said...

12:38, this one was really tough, the thrusters were really bad on the 3rd set

dan09 said...


Mac said...

14:45. I failed to properly add numbers together and ended up doing two sets of 100lb thrusters. I don't recommend that for a good time.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...


Crapped out on the last set of thrusters hard core. Great workout though. A great workout to get increase your Fran time.

SB said...

18:52 Thrusters are my enemy!

What will tomorrow bring?

Anonymous said...

12:52...post frisbee game...cramping up time now.

C V said...

used 53lb kb instead of 55lb.

I need to get back to the basics with the dead lift. My lower back is still tight from last week.

Kings said...

Didn't want Mac to feel bad. Increased my weight to 89#. Finished in 9:43. Pull-ups slowed me down.

Anonymous said...


This WOD sucks. I thought it was harder than Fran.

No more WODs made up by 20-year-olds.....

Maj said...


Demet-hook said...

10:04 as RX'd...real dizzy after this one...tomorrow looks like it will be even more fun