Tuesday WOD


For Time:

135 lb Snatch x 30 reps

Use the weight that you need to use to complete the workout.

Post time and load to comments.

Add the Burgener Warm up with a 45lb bar (see video link below) to regular warm up.




Black and Gold CrossFit said...

10:12 with 115lb. Tried 135lb after the work out and feel I probably could have done the weight but not maintained any kind of intensity. Make sure you think about what the goal of the work out it prior to going into it.

Go Cubs said...

4:50 w/ 95 lbs., maybe could've gone up to 105

Demet-hook said...

6:01 w/ 95lbs...I need to work on snatches to get the form down...

SB said...

8:00 w/ 65 lbs

Dogfish65 said...

2:52 with 95 lbs.

C V said...

5:01 with 135. Had half a pot of coffee 30 minutes before and just about yaked it around #20.

Here's a great tool to use with the data you get from tomorrow's run. Brian MacKenzie from CF Endurance taught with this at the cert a couple of weeks ago. This calculator helps give you projections for what you should aim for in each run distance based off what you run your 5k in.

Anonymous said...

Did my APFT today, will make up tomorrow......

I have done nothing but CF since my last PT test. I did run the ATM, but that simply replaced a WOD. No specialization / train up for APFT.

Score: 299 (+7 points)
PU - 90 (+5 reps)
SU - 89 (+8 reps)
Run - 13:22 (- 48 seconds)
Weight - 176 (-10#)

Missed (over)maxing by 4 lousy seconds. Oh well, I sure as hell didn't want to miss out on the Bear yesterday!

"Our specialty is that we specialize in nothing. Crossfit won't make you better at any one thing, it will make you better at everything."


Anonymous said...

4:58 with 95lbs. This is my first time with snatches.

Chitch said...

4:52 w/ 95lbs. I found maintaining intensity to be harder than maintaining weight.

Anonymous said...

8:50 with 95#

Could have gone faster, but I focused on the proper execution versus the time aspect.