Tuesday WOD


For time:

Run 1 mile then,

100 x Pull ups
200 x Push ups
300 x Squats

Run 1 mile.

Pull ups, push ups and squats can be done in any order as long as you complete the number of reps listed prior to running second mile.

Meet in '62 room for warm up. We will run the mile on the treadmills (use at least 1-2 degrees of incline) then move to Hayes gym for the pull ups, push ups, and squats and back to treadmills for final mile.

Post time to comments. If you run a different route than the treadmills post that as well.


Anonymous said...

For anyone interested-

I am going to execute this one after I teach first and second hours at the River Courts. Hit me up on email if you want to get after it!

SB said...

that was a killer
Ran down on 2-mi course by river/ used target hill field pull up bars

Anonymous said...

Someone asked me in class, "how would you do this on a FOB if there were no treadmills?"

I would look at what else is availalbe. Look at the other monostructural movements - swimming and rowing. Now chances are, you don't have that stuff on your FOB if there are no treadmills, but it is easy enough to get a jumprope. So if your 1 mile split is 7 minutes, do 7 minutes of jumping rope (or even worse - double unders - oh my, that would hurt) then get into the other stuff, finish up with 7 minutes of jumping rope. Too easy!

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

34:07. I can't find my previous time but I remember the first time I did it it took me over 50 minutes. I'm pretty happy to break 35 minutes. My goal is to get under 30.

To caveat on Max...I have yet to be in a FOB that does not have something you could use to sub the one mile run. It may be 10 laps around your perimeter but there is always something. In the bigger FOBs there are gyms that make Arvin look bad. You will be able to do this workout in country don't worry.

Mac said...

39:40. Good times that really emphasized the challenge your own body weight can provide.

Go Cubs said...

38:10, That was really tough

Maj said...

Run from mess hall steps to bars at Buffalo Soldier.
20sets of 5, 10, and 15.
I switched grips on the pullups every other set.

Good workout