Why did we have to change our blog address?

As many of you know West Point is a registered name. Therefore, you need permission to use it, even if you want to have a blog. I have been told we have to discontinue the use of West Point in conjunction with CrossFit.

When we started the affiliate we started running the traps to try and get CrossFit started as a cadet club. At this point we have been unsuccessful. We will continue to work this, but we cannot do this without the help of those of you that use this site. If you want to see functional fitness continue to grow we need your help.

Until such time as we are granted permission to use the name West Point we will continue to post our workouts and we will continue to run as normal. The only thing that has changed is the website address so update your bookmarks! We will continue to Forge the Warrior Athlete. See you in the gym. 3, 2, 1...GO!


Saturday Rest

Rest Day.