Why did we have to change our blog address?

As many of you know West Point is a registered name. Therefore, you need permission to use it, even if you want to have a blog. I have been told we have to discontinue the use of West Point in conjunction with CrossFit.

When we started the affiliate we started running the traps to try and get CrossFit started as a cadet club. At this point we have been unsuccessful. We will continue to work this, but we cannot do this without the help of those of you that use this site. If you want to see functional fitness continue to grow we need your help.

Until such time as we are granted permission to use the name West Point we will continue to post our workouts and we will continue to run as normal. The only thing that has changed is the website address so update your bookmarks! We will continue to Forge the Warrior Athlete. See you in the gym. 3, 2, 1...GO!


Saturday Rest

Rest Day.


Friday WOD

For all of those out late last night at the Firstie club...this one is for you. (I'm included in that)

Back Squat/Push Press
Back Squat/Push Jerk
Back Squat/Split Jerk
Front Squat/Push Press
Front Squat/Push Jerk
Front Squat/Split Jerk
Clean and Jerk

Start with an empty bar and add weight each round. Do not rack the bar or put it down in between movements, except between the last split jerk and the clean and jerk. Post final weight to comments.

Thursday WOD

1 x pull up,10 seconds rest
2 x pull ups, 20 seconds rest
3 x pull ups, 30 seconds rest
4 x pull ups, 40 seconds rest...

For this event the work reps matches the rest period to the power of 10 seconds. Continue until you can no longer complete the number of pull ups straight through (no breaking sets) then repeat your last successful round.

Remember to go all the way down and get your chin above the bar. Avoid chicken necking. Switching grips is authorized.

Post last successful round to comments.

Wednesday WOD

Dirty Thirty

As many rounds as possible (ASRAP) in 10 min of the following:

1 x Stairs basement to 4th floor up and down
10 x Push ups
15 x Squats

ASRAP in 10 minutes:

1 x Rope climb to 15 feet
5 x Burpees
10 x Knees to elbows

ASRAP in 10 minutes:

2 x Man makers (30lb dumbbell)
5 x Handstand push ups
10 x Pull ups

Rest 2 minutes between each 10 minute round.

For demo of a man maker see link below.


No warm up tomorrow. Just a light stretch and get to it.

Post total number of complete rounds to comments.

Tuesday WOD


For time.

21-15-9 reps of:

135lb Clean
Ring Dips

Post time to comments:

Remember a proper clean receives the bar in the full squat position. If you catch it in anything short of that, you must go to the squat position before standing up. The clean in complete when you are standing at full extention with the bar in the racked position. When you start getting tired watch your form!

If you can do 3-5 135lb cleans in a row, do not scale this. You can't get stonger if you don't work the weight.

Monday WOD

Due to the limited number of rowing machines we will have to stagger the starts on this one. As soon as you get to the gym start warming up and get to it.

Warm up in '62 room. I will go get the dumbbells ready in the 3rd floor weight room. 185lb straight bar dead lift will sub if there are not enough 85lb dumbbells.

For time:

1000m row then,
21 reps of:
85lb Dumbbell dead lift
35lb Dumbbell walking lunge
35lb Dumbbell thrusters

500m row then,
15 reps of:
85lb Dumbbell dead lift
35lb Dumbbell walking lunge
35lb Dumbbell thrusters

250m row then,
9 reps of:
85lb Dumbbell dead lift
35lb Dumbbell walking lunge
35lb Dumbbell thrusters

Post time to comments.

Friday WOD

Dog ate my Shorts

For time:

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

25lb weighted pull ups
35lb Dumbbell snatch

Post time to comments.

Thursday WOD

Tommy V

For time:

21 x Thrusters (115lb Barbell or 50lb Dumbbell)
9 x Rope climb (15 feet)
15 x Thrusters
6 x Rope climb
9 x Thrusters
3 x Rope climb

The red mark on the ropes in Hayes Gym is 15 feet. ACU or Warm up pants are authorized to prevent rope burn.

Post time to comments.

Check out this link. It's an article from May 2008 Muscle and Fitness Magazine.


Wednesday WOD

For weight:

Front Squat

5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

Post loads to comments.

Send a note to Major Maxwell if you want a shirt.

Tuesday WOD


For time:

Run 1 mile then,

100 x Pull ups
200 x Push ups
300 x Squats

Run 1 mile.

Pull ups, push ups and squats can be done in any order as long as you complete the number of reps listed prior to running second mile.

Meet in '62 room for warm up. We will run the mile on the treadmills (use at least 1-2 degrees of incline) then move to Hayes gym for the pull ups, push ups, and squats and back to treadmills for final mile.

Post time to comments. If you run a different route than the treadmills post that as well.

Monday WOD

"The Chief"

Max rounds in 3 minutes of:

3 x 135 pound Power cleans
6 x Push-ups
9 x Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Post rounds completed for each of the 5 cycles to comments.

Sunday Rest

Rest Day.

Saturday Rest

Rest Day.

Go Army, Beat University of Buffalo!!

Friday WOD

Meet at the track.

"Sprint" Helen

Five rounds of:

Run 400m
12 x Ring Pull ups
21 x 55 lb Kettle bell swings

Rest 2 minutes between each round.

Your score is determined by your slowest round.

If you have rings, kettle bells, or dumb bells bring them with you to the track.

Post score to comments.

Thursday WOD

Power Meeting

For Time:

115 lb Push press x 21-18-15-12-9-6-3
Burpee box jump x 3-6-9-12-15-18-21

Alternate between exercises. For example first round is 21 x PP/3 x BBJ, second round 18 x PP/6 x BBJ etc...

Post time to comments.

Tuesday WOD


For Time:

135 lb Snatch x 30 reps

Use the weight that you need to use to complete the workout.

Post time and load to comments.

Add the Burgener Warm up with a 45lb bar (see video link below) to regular warm up.



Monday WOD

The Bear

For weight:

5 rounds of 7 x the following sequence:

Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

Weight can only hit the floor at the beginning of the power clean. The only authorized rest positions are in the hang, racked in front squat/clean position, or on the back. If the you put the weight down, even to re-grip, the set does not count.

Increase load each round.

See below for video demo.

Sunday Rest

Rest Day.

Saturday Rest

Rest Day.

Go Army, Beat Eastern Michigan!

Friday WOD

For time:

7 rounds of:

10 x 75lb Sumo dead lift high pull
10 x Ring dips (sub 3 for 1 bar dips)

Post time to comments.

Thursday WOD

For weight:

Back Squat

5 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5

Post load to comments.

Wednesday WOD

For time:

50 x box jumps
5 x muscle ups
40 x box jumps
5 x muscle ups
30 x box jumps
5 x muscle ups
20 x box jumps
5 x muscle ups
10 x box jumps
5 x muscle ups

If you have rings bring them. Use a 24" box. Remember full extention at the top of the box jump.

Sub for muscle ups is 3 pull ups and 3 bar dips. If you can do jumping muscle ups sub those instead.

Forgot this with the earlier post...but t-shirts are coming. Here is what they look like.

Tuesday WOD

Three rounds for time of:

20 x 75lb Thruster
15 x 55lb Kettle bell/dumb bell swings
12 x Pull ups
8 x Burpees

Post time to comments.

Monday WOD

This weeks workouts were done by CDT Dan Hogan enjoy.

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

15 x 95lb Deadlift
10 x 95lb Back Squat
5 x 95lb Overhead Squat

Post number of rounds to comments.

Army Ten Miler runners...rest.

Sunday Rest

Rest Day

For those of you doing the Army 10 miler...good luck. You can rest tomorrow.

Friday WOD

As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

15 x Deadlift (BW)
9 x Pull ups
21 x Dumb bell push press (35 lb)

Post number of rounds to comments.

Thursday WOD

Run South Dock to Stoney for time:

Route: Start at north end of train station. Run up South Dock Hill, continue on Mills Road to AOG-Alumni Building, turn left on Howze Place. Veering right, run between Hollider Center and practice field, run behind Michie Stadium and up hill to first left turn into Stoney Lonesome Housing I (Continental Road) Continue through Stoney Lonesome Housing until you reach Machin Place on your left and Lamb Place on your right.

Sorry for the late post, been at the range all day.

Wednesday WOD


5 rounds of:

Bench Press (BW) (max reps)
Pull-ups (max reps)
Back Squat (BW) (max reps)

2 min rest between rounds

Post reps to comments.

Tuesday WOD

For load:


3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 reps.

Post load to comments.

Also, MAJ Maxwell is looking to make a T-shirt order. Need you to post to comments or send him an email if you are going to want a shirt. We will have the final design shortly but I think they are going to be pretty sweet.

Monday WOD

Meet in front of Arvin.

Run 5k


Run out to Lee gate through MWR/Subway parking lot. On the way back cut up past the Five Star toward Delafield Pond go past the Jewish Chapel and finish back at the parking lot.

Saturday Rest

Rest day.

Go Army beat the hell out of Texas A&M!

Friday WOD

For time:

400m walking lunge


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

Body weight bench press
Pull ups

Post time to comments.

Thursday WOD

Meet at track:

6 rounds:

400m run

Time each round individually, slowest time is your score.

Rest 3 minutes between rounds.

Post time to comments.

Wednesday WOD

As many rounds in 20 minutes of:

15 x 45lb overhead squats
10 x knees to elbows
5 x handstand push ups

Post number of rounds to comments.

Tuesday WOD

Push Press for weight:

7 x 7 x 7

post load to comments.

Monday WOD

Card pull from Friday, enjoy.


For time:

75 x 75 lb power snatches

Sunday Rest

Rest and recover from the Combined Arms Tailgate.

Saturday Rest

Rest your quads and hamstrings for Pete's sake!!!

Don't forget the Combined Arms Tailgate today!!!

Friday WOD

Meet at track

4 rounds for time:

400m run
50 x squats

Thursday WOD


21-15-9 reps for time:

95lb thrusters
Pull ups

Wednesday WOD

Last Ascent

5-10-15 reps for time of:

225 lb back squat
24in box jump

Tuesday WOD


For time:

21 x 95lb overhead squats
42 x pull ups
15 x 95lb overhead squats
30 x pull ups
9 x 95lb overhead squats
18 x pull ups

Monday WOD

Tabata Something Else

20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for 4 minutes of each of the following:

Pull ups
Push ups
Sit ups

Score by total number of reps

Friday WOD

For time:

1000m row

followed by


135lb front squat
barbell good mornings

More on T-shirt order: We are taking suggestions on what sort of saying we would want on the back. The front will be a big CFWP logo on a black shirt. Remember, if we do this right, we will be able to sell these things and get some money to buy more equipment. So having the right saying could make all the difference. Here are a couple of suggestions. I like them both but if you have a new or different on please send it in. We can have a nice online vote to determine what we like best. Here at CrossFit West Point we are equal opportunity so, majority wins. Two suggested so far are:

"Beating Navy one WOD at a time"

"Forging Warrior Athletes"

Post suggestions or preferences to comments.

Thursday WOD



T-Shirt Order!!!

To all those interested in T-shirts, we are looking at ordering some shortly. We need to get an interest on how many we should get. Check with your buddies. I'll put a link up to the proposed design shortly. Email me if interested so I can get a feel.

Wednesday WOD

Meet at track


3 rounds for time:

400m run
21 x kettle bell swing (55lb)
12 x ring pull ups

Tuesday WOD

3 rounds for time of:

40 x 65 lb push press
30 x squat
20 x ring dips
10 x double unders

Monday WOD

Tabata Bottom to Bottom
8 sets of 20 sec of work and 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes work. Rest is in the bottom of the squat position. Score is lowest number of reps completed in any given round.

Saturday Make-up

Make up any missed WODs from Labor Day

Friday WOD

For time:

3/4 BW Clean then hallway run

Thursday WOD

Meet at '62 room

5 rounds for time:

500m row
400m run

Wednesday WOD


As many rounds as possible in 20 min of:

2 x muscle ups (sub = 2 x ring pull ups and 2 x ring dips)
4 x hand stand push ups
8 x 70 lb dumb bell swing

Bring rings if you have them.

Tuesday WOD

For Time:

100 Burpees

After some requests, I am moving post times for the next day's workout to 1900. This way everyone has enough time to prep for the following day. If you have issues use the comments tab.

Monday WOD

Cleans for weight:


Friday WOD

Meet 0530 at track.

3 rounds for time of:

800m run
50 x ring pull ups

Thursday WOD

Meet at Arvin 0530, 3rd floor weight room.

For time:

75 x push ups
50 x 95 lb sumo dead lift high pull
50 x ring dips
30 x 45 lb weighted pull ups
25 x hand stand push ups

Wednesday WOD

Meet at Arvin, 3rd floor weight room.

As many rounds in 20 min of:

15 x 95 lb clean and jerk
Gym loop

Tuesday WOD

Meet 0530 at South Dock


As many rounds in 20 min of:

5 x pull ups
10 x push ups
15 x squats

Monday WOD

0530 Arvin, 3rd Floor weight room


21-15-9 reps of:

225 Deadlift
Handstand push ups

I will be using the hopper deck for September's workouts (www.thehopperdeck.com). I will pull them and publish them on auto post next week for the whole month. Anyone who wants to adjust the time of post let me know. Trying to keep it late/early so that you can't conveniently decide to sleep in. With a 1AM post at least you have to wake up and make a conscious decision to skip. Remember, every time you miss a WOD, God kills a kitten.

Sunday, Rest Day

Obviously, today was a rest day...if you worked out, good on you. Tomorrow starts a new week of posts. See you at the gym.

Saturday, Rest Day

Today we will rest. If you missed a WOD this week, now is the time to make it up.

Friday WOD

Meet at Arvin 0530 3rd floor weight room.

For Time:
50 x Box Jump Burpees (12-20 inch box)

Thursday WOD

Meet at Arvin 0530, 3rd Floor Weight Room

Complete as many rounds in 20 min of:

10 x 65 lb Thrusters
10 x Pull ups

Wednesday WOD

95 Pound Suck

For time, 21-18-15-12-9 reps of:

95 lb Dead Lift
95 lb Hang Power Clean
95 lb Front Squat
95 lb Push Jerk

First Post

Tomorrow begins the first day of posting. I will run this blog until we get an actual webpage. Nothing on here will be new to those who already have the calendar but as we get bigger we will rely on this more and more.

We are still on a 5 day on 2 day off model. We will begin to publish a workout for Saturday for those who want to take a day off mid week. No posts on Sunday except for possible discussions, pics or whatever else you guys want.


3, 2, 1, Go...CrossFit West Point is moving forward.