Tuesday WOD


For time:

21 x 95lb overhead squats
42 x pull ups
15 x 95lb overhead squats
30 x pull ups
9 x 95lb overhead squats
18 x pull ups


Mac said...

I had a sneaking suspicion we were going to do some more squats...we do run sometimes, right?

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Patience is a virtue. Runs will come.

SB said...

10:03 with scaled OHS (45lbs)
Need to improve OHS

SB said...

Check out the "Virtual Fran Experiment" video on the CFHQ website if u get a minute.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

10:26 as Rx'd. Good work out leading up to a Fran. Ooops, did I spoil the surprise?!

On another note. After watching some of the squats today, I realized we need some work on this. Remember, not going deep enough will lead to injury. We need to really focus on doing these properly in the warm up. I suggest mixing it up. Do some air squats, front squats with the bar and overhead squats with the bar. Focus on keeping the natural arch in your back, knees over your toes, and weight on your heels. I saw too many folks this morning with overly wide stances, weight on their toes and not going down deep enough. This will lead to injury.

Lastly, overhead squats are a different animal than front/back squats. They are done to increase midline stabilization. They are hard, and supposed to be. It is important to flex your core muscles almost constantly during this exercise and maintain active shoulders. Balance and managing the weight are the keys to this exercise. If you need to scale it to do it right, that is better than doing them wrong or not doing them at all.

Take the time to do them right and it will pay off in the long run. Do squats wrong and you will eventually hurt yourself. Sorry for the rant, but this is important stuff.

Any others want to weigh in?

Kings said...

So, who's going to be the first sub 2 minute Fran at West Point?

Anonymous said...

12:01 as RX'd.

Unknown said...

14:55 as Rx'd

Pushing the weight overhead really helped me in maintaining midline stabalization.

DB I agree. I spend an hour this last weekend with a PVC pipe working on snatch drills from a few of the video clips. If you haven't spent the $3 for a 5' long piece of PVC pipe yet, do it.

There is a great set of video clips from Coach B on the CFJ site. If you haven't spent the $25 on it, you might want to. They did away with the PDF version....
