Wednesday WOD


As many rounds as possible in 20 min of:

2 x muscle ups (sub = 2 x ring pull ups and 2 x ring dips)
4 x hand stand push ups
8 x 70 lb dumb bell swing

Bring rings if you have them.


Unknown said...

Why does this WOD have a name?

Good question. There are three types of CF workouts. You have your benchmark workouts - WODs like Fight Gone Bad, Filthy Fifty, and the CrossFit Total. Then you have WODs that have girl names, then you have WODs that have guy names. The guy names are known as "hero" WODs.

Each hero WOD is named after a CrossFit athlete that was killed in the line of duty.

Some are Seals, some are cops, some are just regular Soldiers. The point is that we honor these men with our sweat. So take a look at the main site and get familiar with the named WODs.

Either me or one of the other coaches will post the explaination of the "girls" when one pops up.

Happy CrossFitting.


MSG RIVERA said...

Where is the link up and time,

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

All--I received this email from an "Old Grad" this morning that was fired up to see CrossFit at West Point. Just figured I would share. Name was shortened for OPSEC.



I just found your website off CFHQ and I was impressed that the
Academy has officially (or unofficially) started up an Affiliate. At the Academy I was in B4 and I majored in Mechanical Engineering. I branched Infantry and graduated in 2006 and then went to Ft Sill, Benning, and then Ft. Stewart. At the Academy I played Sprint Football and did occasional weight lifting and racquetball at the gym, with some cardio mixed in for good measure (and higher APFT scores).

I am currently deployed to Iraq with 3-7 IN, 4BCT 3ID and early on in this deployment I got tired of lifting weights and I was looking for something versatile and relatively adaptable to austere environments. I started doing CrossFit in January 2008 and I have been enjoying every minute of it since then. I have found the adaptability of CrossFit has made it an ideal program for the patrol base where I live and operate. For equipment I got some local Iraqi welders to redo one of our pullup bars with a 1.25" Diameter bar, I put up a 4X4 on some T-Walls for Rings and then ordered KBs online and had my family send them in flat rate boxes over here (I am sure the post office loved the 52 lbs in a $9.80 Package). The PB also has a moderate collection of weights, an Olympic barbell, and a 1/3 mile loop around the inside of the Patrol Base so I can adopt most of the WODs for the PB. Let cadets know that there is a fan base over here in the Army and keeping fit on deployment is a great opportunity for creativity.

Hopefully some day I can make it back to the Academy and link up with some CrossFitters and relive the good old cadet days in Arvin.
Speaking of which, I am sure CrossFit would love the IOCT as an overall test for fitness. Maybe do max rounds in 20 mins of the IOCT as a WOD? (I would guess no more then five).

I wanted to let you know that I am impressed with the site and keep up the good work.



Anonymous said...

In honor of my FA mentor/brother: 12 "rounds complete."

By the way, BTD.

Unknown said...

11 rounds and 2 MUs. All my MUs were jumping.

Kings said...

Just made 11 rounds with pull-ups and dips. Used a 75 lb dumbbell for swings.

MAJ Ryan Long said...

12 rounds + 2 MUs, 4 HSPUs and 1 KB Swing, all as RXd