Tuesday WOD

Push Press for weight:

7 x 7 x 7

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Unknown said...

I had a few folks ask me how to approach this WOD. There are a few ways, but his is how I am going to do it.

First, I'll do the standard CFWU, only one set of HSPUs, probably do sets of 25 PsUs and SUs since we have a PT test in 3 weeks.

My last CFT 1 rep max on the SP was 135. Yeah, weak, I know, lets get past that - add 30% for what my one rep max for 1 PP should be - estimate 165. Okay, that's good enough to put things in context and frame my expectations.

I'll start with just the bar and do 7 reps - rest for 3 mins.

Then I will add tens on do another 7 reps - rest for 3 mins - so now I am at 65.

Add 10#, 7 x 75# - rest 3 mins.

I'll keep adding 10# until I can't get through all seven PPs. I'll back off 5# and try again after some rest. If successful, I'll do a second set at that weight then rest three minutes.

Then I'll put that weight on again I failed at - try again.

If I make it, I'm done. If not, back off 5# again and knock out the last set. The last three count.

So tomorrow my logbook will probably look like this:

Push Press

(-) HSPU
(+) 25 x PsU and SU


My final three (115,120,115) are the ones I put stars next to.

Now here is why your logbook - or calendar, or whatever - is important. In December this one comes up again. What are we looking for?

Increased work capacity.

Hope this helps.

Demet-hook said...

I wish I had read what max posted before I did this workout.

Set 1: 115 lbs

Set 2: 135 lbs

Set 3: 155 lbs (reached muscle failure at 5 reps, needed assistance on last 2)

Set 4: 145 lbs (could only get up 3 reps on my own)

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Worked up to 155 and got it pretty easy. Tried 175 and failed at 5 reps. Put 165 on and tweaked my wrist at rep 5. Next time I will start at 155 and go up by 10. I am pretty sure I could do 175 if fresh.

I like this format, first time doing a 7 x 7 x 7. Just enough reps you have to go somewhat heavy but if you don't stay focused you will not complete the set.

Anonymous said...

failed at 155, then got 150...

SB said...


Kings said...

185 x 7
205 x 7
225 x 7
Was feeling good so tried one more at 240 and only could get 4. I think that next time I will start at 205 and move up from there.