Friday WOD

Meet at the track.

"Sprint" Helen

Five rounds of:

Run 400m
12 x Ring Pull ups
21 x 55 lb Kettle bell swings

Rest 2 minutes between each round.

Your score is determined by your slowest round.

If you have rings, kettle bells, or dumb bells bring them with you to the track.

Post score to comments.


Anonymous said...

I am going to do this at Gillis later in the day if anyone is interested.....want to see if the straight bar vs the rings makes a huge difference.....

Demet-hook said...

3:30 was the slowest round as RX'd...great workout

SB said...

good workout....3:42
used 50lb DB and used straight bar

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

3:04 was my slowest. Did it twice.

1st round 2:47
2nd round 3:04
3rd round 3:01
4th round 3:04
5th round 3:03

I think a straight bar might make some difference but not that much. Having the track right next to the bars would make about a 5-10 sec difference though.

Go Cubs said...

3:40, really good workout, i felt like jello at the end

Anonymous said...

Had to use a 50lb dumbbell and sub 3 laps in Hayes Gym for the 400m.
2:57 slowest round.

Anonymous said...

Man, I crashed on round 4.....


Know what would be awesome/brutal?

an IOCT Helen

3 laps in Hayes IOTC style, 1st one with med ball, second with baton, third nothing, then the KBs, then the pull-ups. That would be great. You could do Kelly the same way, with the box jumps and wall ball shots.

Too much fun!