Friday WOD

For all of those out late last night at the Firstie club...this one is for you. (I'm included in that)

Back Squat/Push Press
Back Squat/Push Jerk
Back Squat/Split Jerk
Front Squat/Push Press
Front Squat/Push Jerk
Front Squat/Split Jerk
Clean and Jerk

Start with an empty bar and add weight each round. Do not rack the bar or put it down in between movements, except between the last split jerk and the clean and jerk. Post final weight to comments.


C V said...

Curse you Firstie Club. This will be fun... in the afternoon.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

155lbs. I recommend going heavy early or else you will wear your shoulders out quick.

On a side note, this website will be changing shortly. Look for a new link to a different blog address. I will explain once it is all said and done, but it has to do with some legal/copyright type of stuff and lawyers who fail to understand the purpose of what we are doing.

Bottomline, if you are a user of this website and want to keep CrossFit West Point as it is, we are going to have to make it priority through the chain of command. Shoot me a note if you want more info.

Go Cubs said...

155 lbs., it was really tough on the last one

SB said...

105 lbs. should have gone heavier earlier

Maj said...

135lbs. my shoulders are feeling it after that one.