Saturday Rest

Rest Day.

Go Army, Beat University of Buffalo!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

****** Update on shirts *****

The shirts have been printed and shipped. They should arrive on Wednesday or Thurday of next week. Once I have them, I will bring them in and folks can start stopping by my office and picking them up.

For parents and friends of CFWP, the shirts will be available through CrossFit Shirts. Once our on-line store opens, there should be a link on the main page.

***** DISCUSSION *****

Reminder to everyone: CFWP is a NON-PROFIT affiliate. Every nickel made will be used to purchase equipment, such as rings, KBs, wallballs, etc.

The Brigade PDO is going to mention to the Commandant that there is no area in Arvin for any sort of cross-training. Hopefully an area can be set aside for cadets to execute cross-training workouts where we can move the rowers, a few treadmills, hang some rings, and put up a pull-up station, and some other equipment. Perhaps one of the racketball courts or something like that......

This of course will need to be a desire of the cadets. Arvin is YOUR physical development center. I would recommend that cadets develop some suggestions and present them higher through your PDO channels to the Master of the Sword and the Commandant. Both are common-sense, practical leaders and will listen to what cadets say.

In order to demonstrate the interest in cross-training type workouts, such as CrossFit, I have a few ideas to throw out there.

1. A "Fight Gone Bad" on a Sunday.

Get permission from DPE to put the three rowers and six barbells with 30 LB of weight on each one in Hayes gym. With three set-ups, you can run 15 athletes at a time. So in an afternoon, you can easily run over a hundred folks through....

2. A "Brigade Open" CrossFit games. This might be something good for the spring. We could announce it now for a "pre-Spring Break" contest. I know how much cadets like to get ready for spring break......

Your thoughts?
