Thursday WOD

Tommy V

For time:

21 x Thrusters (115lb Barbell or 50lb Dumbbell)
9 x Rope climb (15 feet)
15 x Thrusters
6 x Rope climb
9 x Thrusters
3 x Rope climb

The red mark on the ropes in Hayes Gym is 15 feet. ACU or Warm up pants are authorized to prevent rope burn.

Post time to comments.

Check out this link. It's an article from May 2008 Muscle and Fitness Magazine.


SB said...

14:31 (scaled to 95lbs)
forearms are smoked

Demet-hook said...

I didn't get to finish this one...I will do the rest after class today. I should have gotten there earlier to give myself enough time do to it, I need to get better at that for the long workouts. This workout showed me that I am not at the level of fitness I need to be at...

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

24:35...115lb thrusters are a killer.

SB, time to increase that weight!

SB said...

DB...I agree...I made up alot of time on ropes though.

Anonymous said...

As Rx'd
28:08 (PR)

Mac said...

19:20, but decided not to do the final 3 rope climbs do to lack of skin remaining on my fingers. Lesson learned...