Thursday WOD

1 x pull up,10 seconds rest
2 x pull ups, 20 seconds rest
3 x pull ups, 30 seconds rest
4 x pull ups, 40 seconds rest...

For this event the work reps matches the rest period to the power of 10 seconds. Continue until you can no longer complete the number of pull ups straight through (no breaking sets) then repeat your last successful round.

Remember to go all the way down and get your chin above the bar. Avoid chicken necking. Switching grips is authorized.

Post last successful round to comments.


Anonymous said...

....and, roger.

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

Completed 18. Failed on 19 at rep 16 due to grip. Great workout.

Mac said...

APFT today...101 p/u, 97 s/u, 12:28 run. Considering that's after doing 3 months of almost nothing but the WODs, I'm impressed.

SB said...

Mac...see..we told you. Results!

Completed 17. Good workout.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

19. then went 9 for 10 from 3-point range in a shoot around. My kind of workout.

Maj said...


jlg said...
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jlg said...

... 7, guess I'm well behind the power curve on pull-ups. did y'all do kipping pull ups or dead hang? even with the rest executing that many sets of 10+ dead hang pullups is impressive.