Tuesday WOD


For time.

21-15-9 reps of:

135lb Clean
Ring Dips

Post time to comments:

Remember a proper clean receives the bar in the full squat position. If you catch it in anything short of that, you must go to the squat position before standing up. The clean in complete when you are standing at full extention with the bar in the racked position. When you start getting tired watch your form!

If you can do 3-5 135lb cleans in a row, do not scale this. You can't get stonger if you don't work the weight.


C V said...

If you are interested in helping with the effort to grow CrossFit here at West Point, we are going to be meeting in G-3's study room after lunch at 1245 to hash out some plans (3rd floor Mac Long, North Area side).

Black and Gold CrossFit said...

11:25. That was a lot tougher with the squat cleans. MAJ Wylie came in at 10:38 I think. That is a pretty solid time. Under 10 minutes is really good.

Good work today. I really enjoyed seeing all of the folks in there this morning. There is nothing like the sound of weights hitting the floor because you just don't have the energy to put them down slowly.

Here are some of my thoughts about this morning's workout. I saw a couple of people scaling. This is absolutely the right thing to do. Once you get so you cannot do the weight correctly or you cannot maintain the intensity (you have to rest too long) then it is time to scale down. This work out is meant to make you heart explode. If you can talk during this workout, you need to rethink your intensity level. If you have to scale to maintain that high heart rate then doing that is exactly what you should do.

It is also okay to start with one weight and finish with another, lighter weight. This will at least allow you to build to the heavier weight.

Bottom line, check that pride at the door. If you have to scale, no one is going to judge you. It is the only way to get better. Bragging rights come later, but on this board not in the gym.

Keep up the intensity. Today was awesome.

Go Cubs said...

13:06, wow that was unbelievable, i knew it would be tough, but no idea it could possibly that hard, but i love it

Demet-hook said...

11:47 as RX'd...One of my favorite workouts so far

C V said...

14:17, the full squats killed me.

Anonymous said...

13:33* as Rx'ed

Maj said...

16:35...I need more work on cleans, otherwise good workout.

Mac said...

9:20...great workout, and definitely need some work on my clean form.

Anonymous said...

Today it took me 34:22 - It was my first time doing the workout as RX'd.

I agree 100% with what Dan wrote above. I chose to start and finish with the prescribed weight on purpose, knowing it would take me longer. I finished this WOD with 115# in 15:47 last time.

My biggest weakness is the strength component. I suck at things with a barbell. If you have come along, but still have a glaring weakness, then by all means, address it. I feel I am at the point that 1. I can do the RX'd weight and 2. I need to start doing it, time be damned, and build the strength.

Days like tomorrow will smoke me enough in the METCON realm.